By 2019 Nano coatings market is expected to hit 1.25 billion euros

According to 2019 Nano paint market of type and area development trend and forecast report (nano paint by type can be divided into resistance fingerprint type, and antibacterial type, and easy clean and anti-dirt type, and since clean type and the other, by application field is divided into medical health, and food and packaging, and marine industrial, and water treatment equipment, and electronics, and building, and car industry, and energy industry and the other), Nano paint market of sales to 2019 is expected to reached 1.25 billion euro, 2014-2019 years between will to 24.68% The compound annual growth rate of growth.

2013 is the market leading areas of nano-coatings in North America. According to some estimates, by 2019 the Asia-Pacific region will become the largest market for nano-coating production. In 2013, the self cleaning coatings are the main types of nano-coating products, accounting for about 25%, followed by easy to clean and stain resistant Nano paint.

It is predicted that by 2019 self-cleaning coating will have the greatest share in the nano-coating products. Easy to clean and stain in Nano composite coating of nano-coatings for second place, between 2014-2019 and is expected to smooth the compound annual growth rate of healthy growth.

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