Powder Coating Properties

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Test Standard for weathering resistance of powder coatings

Resistance to mortar According to the standard ASTM C207. A specific mortar will be brought in contact with powder coating during 24h at 23°C and 50% relative humidity. Accelerated ageing and UV durability (QUV) This test in the QUV-weatherometer consists of 2 cycles. The coated testpanels are 8h exposed to UV-light and 4h to condensation. This is repeated during 1000h. Every 250h the panels are checked. Herewith the coating is tested on colour- and gloss retention. Saltspraytest According to theRead More …

General Mechanical properties of powder coatings

Cross-cut Test (adhesion) According the standards ISO 2409, ASTM D3359 or DIN 53151. On the coated test panel a cross-cut (# : indentations in the form of a cross and parallel to each other with a mutual distance of 1 mm or 2 mm) is made on the metal. A standard tape is put on the cross-cut. The cross-cut is valued through the quantity of the detached film after removing the tape. Flexibility A coated standard test panel is foldedRead More …

Hollow Microspheres use in coatings

Use in Coatings Uniform spherical-shaped microspheres have lower surface area then irregular fillers and extender pigments, which means a lower resin demand. Another benefit to the spherical shape is the ability to roll past one another, hence there is minimal impact on viscosity when they are added to a liquid. As coatings are manufactured on weight basis and sold on volume basis, microspheres are used to increase the solid content of a coating, maintaining application and flow properties. Higher-volume solidsRead More …

Four different chemical methods can be used against plastics deterioration

Theoretically, there are four different chemical methods that can be used against plastics deterioration. The first technique is to introduce additives that absorb light before they can contact the degradation-initiating center and the energy is dissipated as heat. The second way consists in deactivating the excited state of the initiating center.Again, such reactions produce energy, which is generated either in the form of heat or as fluorescent radiation. In the third method, the hydroxyperoxides that have been formed are transformedRead More …


10. Apparatus and Materials 10.1 Cutting Tool9—Sharp razor blade, scalpel, knife or other cutting device having a cutting edge angle between 15 and 30° that will make either a single cut or several cuts at once. It is of particular importance that the cutting edge or edges be in good condition. 10.2 Cutting Guide—If cuts are made manually (as opposed to a mechanical apparatus) a steel or other hard metal straightedge or template to ensure straight cuts. 10.3 Rule—Tempered steelRead More …

Procedure for X-CUT TAPE TEST METHOD-ASTM D3359-02

Related Articles: Testing Methods for Powder Coating Standard Test Methods for Measuring Adhesion by Tape Test 7. Procedure 7.1 Select an area free of blemishes and minor surface imperfections. For tests in the field, ensure that the surface is clean and dry. Extremes in temperature or relative humidity may affect the adhesion of the tape or the coating. 7.1.1 For specimens which have been immersed: After immersion, clean and wipe the surface with an appropriate solvent which will not harmRead More …


5. Apparatus and Materials 5.1 Cutting Tool—Sharp razor blade, scalpel, knife or other cutting devices. It is of particular importance that the cutting edges be in good condition. 5.2 Cutting Guide—Steel or other hard metal straightedge to ensure straight cuts. 5.3 Tape—25-mm (1.0-in.) wide semitransparent pressuresensitive tape7 with an adhesion strength agreed upon by the supplier and the user is needed. Because of the variability in adhesion strength from batch-to-batch and with time, it is essential that tape from theRead More …

Standard Test Methods for Measuring Adhesion by Tape Test

This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 3359; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. 1. Scope 1.1 These test methods cover procedures for assessing the adhesion of coating films to metallic substrates by applying and removing pressure-sensitive tapeRead More …

Catalysts are used to improve abrasion resistance of coatings

General strategies of increasing crosslink density by use of higher-functionality oligomers and/or larger amounts of crosslinking agents have been used to improve abrasion resistance. To get the higher crosslink density, catalysts are sometimes added to the paint formulation as additives in small quantities. Catalysts are additives that will increase the rate of a -chemical reaction but are not consumed or changed in the reaction process. Catalysts have widely varying compositions that depend on the nature of the reaction being catalyzed.Read More …

Waxes have also been used to improve slip and thereby abrasion

Waxes have also been used to improve slip and thereby abrasion. Hard waxes resist abrasion better than soft materials. Hard waxes like PE and PTFE waxes function by the ball bearing mechanism, while the softer microcrystalline waxes work via the layer (bloom) mechanism. Microcrystalline wax is a petroleum-based wax that has very different physical properties than paraffin wax. The Blooming Mechanism:Molten wax particles float (or bloom) to the surface. The coating cools down, and re-crystallization of wax particles takes place,Read More …