Remove powder coating

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Chemical stripping solutions for removing powder coating

Chemical stripping solutions is an common and efficent way for removing powder coating and e-coatng. Benefits. A chemical stripping process can be done in-plant at considerably less expense than the burn-off and the abrasive-media blasting methods, which require higher equipment, energy, and media costs than chemical stripping requires. Chemical stripping operates at moderate temperatures, usually 150°F to 200°F, which keeps energy costs down. Chemical stripping also leaves the original surface of the racks intact and very clean after a freshwater rinse.Read More …

How to remove powder coating and electro-deposition coating

Many methods have been used to remove powder coating and  electro-deposition coating from production hooks,racks,and fixtures. Abrasive-media blasting Benefits. Abrasive-media blasting is a common method used in the finishing industry to clean electro-deposition and powder coatings deposits from racks. Abrasive-media blasting provides adequate cleaning and coating removal. One of the benefits of rack cleaning with abrasive media is any rust or oxidation that may be present is removed with the coating, and this is accomplished at ambient, or room, temperature. Concerns. Using abrasive mediaRead More …