Walk in Hui-Hang Ancient Road

Walk in Hui-Hang Ancient Road
Jinhu Color Powder Coating Company organized Spring Tour and Physical Training in March 2016.
Huihang Road (Hui-Hang Road), Qingliang Feng National Nature Reserve is located in the north,
Huizhou Jixi County, Anhui Province west volts Zhen, east Zhejiang Lin’an City, Ma Xiao Township, north of Huangshan, south Tianmu, a total length of 15 km, is the ancient Huizhou contact with an important link in Hangzhou, the best preserved period is winding stone path within Jixi County, Huihang trail essence, is the crystallization of wisdom and power of the ancient Han working people; the first is the China Road. According to historical records, this trail as early as the Tang Dynasty had cultivated itself. Huihang Road is an important channel of Zhejiang Merchants and trade exchanges in history, important sights Huihang Obstacle Trail near Grand Canyon, Hu Ancestral Hall, Qingliang Feng National Nature Reserve, Jiangnan first hurdle and the like.
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