Powder Coating Properties

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What is the film hardness

The hardness of the powder paint film refers to the resistance of the paint film after drying has a solid, i.e. the film surface the role another on the greater hardness of the material performance. This resistance exhibited by the film can be provided by a certain weight of the load acts on the relatively small contact area, by measuring the ability of the film antideformation manifested, so the film hardness is a view showing one of the important propertiesRead More …

Suitable temperature for Waterproof coating

Waterproof coating selection characteristics of the solution, nano-ceramic hollow particles, silica alumina fibers, all kinds of reflective material as the main raw material, thermal conductivity only 0.03W/mK, can effectively suppress shielded infrared heat radiation and heat conduction. In the hot summer, at a temperature of more than 40 ℃, it would be inappropriate to do waterproof, for the following reasons: queous or solvent-based waterproof coating construction under high temperature conditions will rapidly thickens, cause priming difficulties, affect the construction quality;Read More …

D523-08 Standard text method for specular gloss

This standard is issued under the fixed designation D523; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval . A superscripl epsilon indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense . 1.Scope This test method covers the measurement of theRead More …

Out-gas and adhesion problems in powder coat zinc casting

zinc casting can be powder coated. A cast part will have porosity that may cause blemishes in the coating at high temperature. Air that is trapped near the surface may expand and rupture the film during the cure process. There are several ways to mitigate the issue. You can preheat the part to drive off some of the trapped air that causes the problem. Heat the part to a temperature about 50°F greater than the cure temperature, cool it down, andRead More …

Development trend of heavy anti-corrosion coatings for offshore platform

Development trend of heavy anti-corrosion coatings for offshore platform mainly has the following three directions: Long-term nature: the coating has strong corrosion resistance and high mechanical strength, can guarantee a long time maintenance-free coating system; Pollution: in the design and development process to ensure that the paint itself part of (film-forming material, anticorrosive pigments, solvents and additives), low-pollution paint paint production process, painting process as a whole. Construction is simple: once the film is thick, strong adhesion strength of coatings.

Development model of heavy anti-corrosion coatings for Marine platform

Our country’s offshore oil industry started late, Offshore heavy anti-corrosion coatings with foreign advanced level compared to a big gap, which requires workers to learn from experience in other countries to develop anti-corrosion, hard work, and catch up. Current marine heavy anti-corrosion coatings have a variety of development model: One is the Japanese model: Japan as early as the 1970s began the large project of the Cross Harbour Tunnel, the island between the Bridge and the reclamation Island, in order toRead More …

Nanotechnology is rapidly gaining recognition to provide significant benefits for the coatings industry

Nanotechnology is rapidly gaining recognition as having the potential to provide significant benefits for the coatings industry. The most publicized benefits include scratch resistance, UV protection and weathering protection. In addition to improved coating performance, nanotechnology also provides benefits, such as reduced energy and reduced material consumption. Nanoparticles including metal oxides, clays and resins dominate the market for nanotechnology-based coatings. Newer carbon based nanotubes are now being developed for use in transparent conductive coatings and low weight, high strength coatings.Read More …

Physical and chemical properties test for powder coating films

Films ( Powder Coatings ) Physical Test Primary Test Equipment Characteristics Procedure (s)   Film Thickness ASTM D 1186 Magnetic Film Thick Gauge,   ASTM D1400 Eddy Current Induce Gauge Impact ASTM D2794 Impact Tester Flexibility ASTM D522 Conical or Cylindrical Mandrel Adhesion ASTM 2197 Balanced-Beam Scrape-Adhesion,   ASTM D3359 Cross Hatch Cutting Device and Tape Hardness ASTM D3363 Calibrated Drawing Leads or Pencils Abrasion Resistance ASTM D4060 Taber Abrader and Abrasive Wheels   ASTM D968   Edge Coverage ASTMRead More …

Anti-reflective coating is a type of optical coating applied to optical devices to reduce reflection

Anti-reflective coating or antireflection (AR) coatings are a type of optical coating applied to the surface of lenses and other optical devices to reduce reflection. This improves the efficiency of the system since less light is lost. In complex systems such as a telescope, the reduction in reflections also improves the contrast of the image by elimination of stray light. This is especially important in planetary astronomy. In other applications, the primary benefit is the elimination of the reflection itself, suchRead More …

Differential scanning calorimetry for coating curing

Via the DSC technique it can be verified if the coating is sufficiently cured or not. The DSC is a technique verifying how much energy is needed to have no temperature difference between the substance in test phase and the referential material, determined in according to time and temperature, when two specimen are submitted to identical temperature conditions in a controlled warm or cooled environment. First of all, the thermal history of the material is disturbed by the fast coolRead More …